ALLOPATHIC MEDICINE SAYS THERE IS NO CURE FOR CANCER,DIABETES,ARTHRITIS, AND OTHER DISEASES AND CONDITIONS PRIMARILY BECAUSE IT TREATS THE SYMPTOMS WITH DRUGS AND DOES NOT GIVE THE BODY THE CHANCE TO HEAL ITSELF. Other forms of healing have proved them wrong. if you rely on modern day witch doctors called MDs they are correct, there is no cure because there is no drug. The drug industry and the AMA are not in the cure business they are in the treat business and its time we all wake up and elect politicians that have the guts to do something about it. The condition is correctable but not with diet alone. It can be treated and cured with such things as herbs,bentonite,aloe vera, foods, and lifestyle changes. The candida zapper also claims to be effective despite the fact mainstream medicine ridicules it as hogwash while they themselves are the hogwash. MDs cure nothing charge a fortune and destroy your body with acidic drugs and on top of that they are arrogant, pompous, liars and incompetent profiteers and any MDs that deviate and see the folly of the system are targeted by the drug industry and destroyed, much like Max Gerson and many others.