Re: Iodine injections into tumor. Cure for cancer?
I don't know what your present situation is, since it has been a few months since you posted this. But, I had
Breast Cancer myself. I tried several different things, but did not try
Iodine or Baking Soda and Water.
I tried Garlic on the did NOT work. I tried the chemo and it did NOT work. They left the tumor on me while doing chemo to see how it responded, IT GREW FASTER!
The chemo was weakening my heart as it was doxyrubicin a rough chemo to take. So, I tried Vitamin C I.V. Infusions and it was like a miracle! It didn't kill the tumor, but it did make the chemo side effects tolerable. It protected my heart and I didn't get sick any longer from the chemo.
I did have the
parasite that
Hulda Clark says causes cancer. It is called the F. Buski parasite. I wish I would have concentrated more on getting rid of this parasite, but I didn't at the time.
parasite herbs and/or the med Praziquantel get rid of this parasite.
I DID get a mastectomy. Immediately. I am glad that I did, because it hadn't traveled anywhere else in my body and so this saved my life.
If I got cancer all over again I would try Iodine, internally, topically and probably injection as well. I would also try Baking Soda and water, internally, topically and injection. Suppose to have the same effect as iodine. I've read that some tumors respond to baking soda and water but others respond to Iodine.
I also take Protocel now as a preventative. Protocel has cured a whole lot of people as well. Can buy Protocel here:
(called cantron in this show)
Then alkalize, alkalize, alkalize!
Good Luck