Re: 18 day fast unto the Lord
I fast at least once or twice a year for 10 to 21 days. I've done this for 5+ years. I started with
The Master Cleanse and now I do the orange juice fast with freshly squeezed oranges with LBB and herbs and essential oils.
But I can't imagine having only water, do you use distilled water? I think 18 days is a long time. Did you lose much weight?
Fasting makes me feel a lot better physically and gives me more time for other pursuits. I tend to read the Bible more as well as other instructive works and I get creative with my essential oils and herbs and tend to buy and use things like an inversion table and chi machine.
I'm not sure whether I've had a spiritual breakthrough but I can tell you that I see the world differently as a result of fasting. My mind is clearer, my energy level higher, there is a feeling of lightness, and I feel so much more positive.
I haven't seen or talked to God or Paul yet, like Branham did, but then I haven't read the whole Bible through two times yet either. (I have to work on that).
What fasting does for me is clear my mind so that my natural intuition about what is good and true comes into focus.
What has your experience been in this regard?