I was hoping to be led into 40 days of water-only fasting unto the LORD, but the overwhelmingly strong desire to eat over about 3 strait days had become unshakeable and persisted through every means of prayer i know. I believe thus that the leading for 40 was not there in this instance, whatever the reason may have been.
But i really am delighted to have fasted the 18 days unto the LORD and i know that there will be great blessing in it, blessings which i normally begin to see in the days after the breaking of the fast. Looking forward to seeing what all of this looks like. More than anything, i prayed that my love for the Lord would continue to deepen immensely.
Many blessings to all and thank you everybody for your kind words and prayers.
Wow, that's extremely impressive if you fasted for 18 days on just water... If not, you must be in a really good state of health and have fantastic will-power... So congratulations to you!
Hi Mira :),
Thank you for your kind words. My health is good and my will power good enough, but not in this case enough to get me past 18 days when i had hoped to be taken much longer. :).
Did you drink any juice? Take any herbs or essential oils?
None of the above and nothing else at all except water, and i also abstained from tastes in my mouth like toothpaste, brushing only with water partly because these other things are inclined to awaken hunger and otherwise interfere with the fast.
I find it amazing that with such a focus on fasting in the Bible and fasting being taught by most of the major religions of the world, that very few Christians ever attempt to fast.
Yes, seems like maybe a blind spot, even as the importance of having immense personal intimacy with God is to many.
I haven't felt drawn to water fasting but I fast on fruit juices regularly.
Nice Mira. How often do you do this and how long have you gone? Have you encountered noticeable spiritual breakthroughs through this?
Hi Mira, i didn't realize i had not answered this post, so my apologies.
I fast at least once or twice a year for 10 to 21 days. I've done this for 5+ years.
this is great : ).
But I can't imagine having only water, do you use distilled water? I think 18 days is a long time. Did you lose much weight?
i do use distilled water. I haven't weighed myself in a while, but from when i had been doing so, i estimate about a half pound per day of real loss that is not of a temporary water loss nature.
Fasting makes me feel a lot better physically and gives me more time for other pursuits. I tend to read the Bible more as well as other instructive works...
This is great. For the most part with me it makes me weaker, but i also become more attracted to peaceful quiet activities which includes gentle walks that have sometimes felt like walking on clouds.
I'm not sure whether I've had a spiritual breakthrough but I can tell you that I see the world differently as a result of fasting. My mind is clearer, my energy level higher, there is a feeling of lightness, and I feel so much more positive.
When i direct all of this towards God i encounter Him more deeply.
What fasting does for me is clear my mind so that my natural intuition about what is good and true comes into focus. What has your experience been in this regard?
i experience this too!
Many blessings to you in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Awesome! Do you think you fasted to completion and do you think you experienced true hunger returning?
Thank you RAiny. Completion/true hunger, no, but my body was very ready to eat and to digest as if i had which is new territory for me. As such, i found i did not need to wean myself carefully towards heavier foods in this instance, which would have meant starting with juices alone for a few days... which worked out well because my car was in the shop and i had nothing i could juice. The desire i had to eat was much more of a mental and emotional attraction than actual physical hunger, though the physical excitement was fully there.
Wonderful job! As a seasoned faster you knew to listen to your body as I don't think many do so when they have a predetermined number in mind. Eighteen days on just water alone is a feat so few would attempt never mind accomplish... Oh, I have been an avid faster myself and have read many of your posts on the water fasting forum and wish to tell you how extremely informative and encouraging they have been. Your contributions there have been invaluable to me and you are sorely missed as my "fasting go to person"!
Hi eggcream and thank you for your always kind words :). I haven't invested the time to keep up in the water-only forum, but you are always welcome to message me... and of course there are several very knowledgeable and helpful people over there and i know that you, yourself, have become quite wise in this area :).
... so again great job and hope the spiritual floodgates open!
Thank you and so far so good :). My love for the LORD has indeed become even stronger and the tears of joy which accompany this when i close my eyes to seek HIM have become even more easily triggered which to me is a very welcome development.
I believe a water fast has been calling me but am finding it difficult to get into that extended fast "groove" again.
Never having had that problem before, I'm perplexed! I usually can fall into a long fast with just the desire to do so, but have been experiencing struggle and resistance after just a couple of days. Long fasts have always produced positive results so I can't fathom this blockade. I'm not one to "force" my body but maybe this is what's needed.
I am perplexed for you as well my friend. It does seem that fighting hard against this resistance may be necessary at least to get you past a certain point.
Much joy on your refeeding, I know it is like a little bit of heaven to savor the flavors of our favorite foods. So enjoy!
Thank you eggcream. Post-fast eating really is an amazing delight! Thank you again and many blessings to you.