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My cat, Max, has an eye infection - Treating w Lugols and CS
My cat Max has been dealing with an eye infection for the last 2.5 weeks. The discharge is kinda reddish brown. The first week I was putting a drop or two of
Colloidal Silver in his eye and a full dropper squirt down his throat several times a day. This helped but didn't get rid of it. So into the 2nd week, I increased the oral amount to 2 tsp several times a day and while it helped, it still showed no signs of improving. Each morning, I'd check his eye and there was dried black gunk on his face. So.. a few days ago, I put a dropperful squirt of Dr. Christopher's eyebright formula in my bottle of
Colloidal Silver (it's just a 2oz bottle with dropper that I had saved), but it didn't seem to make much of a difference.
After 2 days, I went searching on the net to see what would take care of viral eye infections as I was pretty sure from researching his symptoms that it was the herpes virus that he got from Patches when she was a kitten (she's my feral rescue). I ran across a site that mentioned iodine. So I put a dropperful of
Lugols in my bottle of CS (which is mostly full). Still after a day, nothing. Yesterday, I put in another dropperful. And just started putting drops in his eyes - 3 times a day and no CS by mouth. This morning when I finally had a chance to look at his eye -- no black junk!! He's tolerating the doctored CS (with eybright formula and luglos) just fine. The CS has just a faint yellowish tinge from the lugols. He's also was more active yesterday. He brought me 3 toy mice and jumped up for cuddles with me and my hubs. I think he's turned the corner and it looks like it is finally clearing up.