Re: Yes, but . . .
I've been there, I know where you are coming from. My adrenal gland failed, and my pituitary is weak. I had mercury tox so badly that I still react to almost everything and I have MCS (IE). I still have poor mineral transport. Fasting left me so cold I shivered and was so exhausted I wanted to stay in bed and made my hair turn gray. The kidney cleanse made me depressed. I even react to foods! Fruits and fruit juice give me gas. It can be very discouraging to see others making progress, while you try do the same thing with great difficulty.
There are some people that just have to take it slower than others, the important thing is to do it in a way that works for you with tolerable symptoms and not give up. Not everyone is starting from the same place.
Hang in there! You are on the right track. Every small step toward health and natural living is a step in the right direction, and you will reach a point where you feel better.
What helped me with night symptoms is the Isocort, which I weaned off, and the Five Tibetan Rites really helped with energy. There is a forum for that here.