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Re: GSE tablets/GSE questionable!!!
Cheshire77 Views: 2,382
Published: 13 y
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Re: GSE tablets/GSE questionable!!!

When you say that one tablet equals 4 drops you must be referring to 4 drops of Citricidal professional strength. Each tablet is equal to 12-13 drops of Nutribiotic Grapefruit-Seed-Extract liquid concentrate, the popular product most people use.

Regarding the preservative issue: I have read a fair bit about it and I just accept that the only Grapefruit-Seed-Extract products that work have preservative added, and it is the preservative that is the active ingredient. Initially this put me off. However I'm now satisfied that the preservative is pretty safe to take orally. As far as I can tell, Grapefruit-Seed-Extract has a pretty good safety record.

BTW, I started a thread on GSE and preservative 2 years ago you might be interested in: //

Regarding GSE affecting our 'good' bacteria, on one website ( I read the following: "Fortunately GSE does not seem to disturb beneficial gut bacteria. One study which tested the effect of GSE on eczema patients (who frequently have fungal and bacterial infections) found that it significantly inhibited Candida albicans and E. Coli, but left the important Bifidobacteria unchanged, and only slightly reduced the Lactobacilli."

This is a pretty good source of FAQ about Nutribiotic GSE, even if it is a little biased.

I started the tablets yesterday and have already experienced die-off, so they certainly have an active ingredient. How effective they are compared to drops remains unclear.



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