Re: adrenal fatigue, estrogen dominance, Hashimoto's AND hypothyroid: where do I begin?
Hi. I was never diagnosed estro-dom, but I KNOW i was.
I came here, as well as other books for help,
Suzanne Somers' books, Dr. Carolyn Dean's, along with many others...
I used Pro- gest by Emerita. Nearly $30. per 4
oz tube.
BIO identical. I used vitamin D3, 5-6-7-8000iu per day
for months, along with magnesium malate, good multiple.
After 4 mos. I used coffee enema. Maybe 3x a wk. I began
to eliminate gallstones. But my relief came upon my very 2nd
try using CE. I had positivity & well-being.
A yr. later I began using IodinePlus2,
I now use
Lugol's 5%, also Magnascent iodine.
I have been fully saliva tested, my Dr. immed gave
me Adrenevive. It's for severe adrenal fatigue. She
found my progesterone levels were FINE!!! If she'd
seen me 2.5 yrs. prior, probably low. If you r estro-dom,
you'd best get some BIO-IDENTICAL progesterone & fast,
my mom suffered & died this yr. Breast cancer, starting with
DCIS which she likely would've lived with to an older age than
she did. If I'd seen Dr. earlier on, I would've known about
adrenals. There r home poor-man's tests u can try.
Also, I use CardioB...and riboflavin (B2) also B3(nicotinic acid)
Be well, & get wiser doctors or DIY til you find better.
My wish is for you to be well.:-)