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Re: Normal.
socalgrl Views: 2,331
Published: 13 y
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Re: Normal.

We KNOW. though, that many cancers are overdiagnosed and overtreated, Breast, prostate, thyroid, to name a few.

People get scared when they hear the "C" word. And doctors are OBLIGATED to overtreat. It's overtreat, or end up in court. Doctors overdiagnose because then they can "cure" the patient:

How true, but sad that we don't really have medical freedom in this country once we visit a mainstream medical doctor. A doctor is OBLIGATED to treat his patient with the standard chemotherapy et al. In fact if your doctor knew you were using alternative methods or even considering alternative treatments he may drop you as a patient because the medical board will pull his license once they find out.

I used complimentary methods when my DH was having chemo for his stage 4 NHL. It was very aggressive and waiting for 100% holistic was not an option. He never got sick, kept most of his hair and is almost 6 years cancer free today. I am so grateful for CureZone and everyone here because it is what helped me to search for and use the methods that I feel saved him and keep him healthy even today.

Here is a long article - worth reading - that explains the gory details about mainstream medicine with regards to cancer and treatments:



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