Re: I think dogs name is "dog"
One thing I have noticed or maybe it is 2 you decide.
Over the years at my work place I have told a few guys what to do for their health issues when they asked me, maybe 2 did as I suggested and changed their lives, the rest all succombed to ill health/operations and quite a few died fro the amount I talked to. It got to the point that what ever person would ask me what they could do were doomed to ill health if they chose to do only what the free medical insurance would provide and normally it happened within a year, I could watch them fall to pieces as they went medical. Maybe I just knew the outcome based on taking poisons instead of proper foods, but it was almost like don't ask, so I don't have to tell you and maybe you would be better off.
One thing I believe does happen at death is you can't lie and you can't really say God didn't provide the answers through anyone of hundreds of people or even books, etc. so upon death we have to state we ignored the advice and paid the PIPER so to speak. Dr. Christopher used "ASK" any Gorillia to answer all health issues, such as; would a Gorilla have mercury filled teeth? Would a Gorilla cook his food? ect. You get the idea, so everyone can't say they needed drugs and drugs failed them, what they will say if they disobeyed Nature and Nature won and they may pass school or they may not pass school, only God knows the answers.
So ideally we all are sinners everyday of our lives and ideally we need to make efforts to change and this doesn't mean putting money in the offering plate based on the amount of sins to be paid for, that was mans creation, not Gods, man gets a tax break for receiving free money to support their way and wanted natives around the world to accept the white mans religion and give up their NATURE, so they put cloths on, burned down the jungles and accepted lazy as the method of life and die of white man diseases, so I HATE what missionaries have done to all the Natural people of the earth in an effort to accept MASON $$$$$$$$$ as the new and ONLY religion on earth.
So is a person blessed when he/she has ample free info and doesn't understand enough to accept it and create new habits? Probably not, it is like piling coals upon their heads, each person they meet, each book they read and ignore all adds coals to their souls. We either learn about Nature or Nature kcks us out of school.
Next I have noticed for a long time that when I talk or sometimes even e-mail, but mostly when I see and touch the person their disease shows up in me qucikly like the next day and my bowel movements stink for 2-3 days. This happened when I was checking liver flushes for 3 years and also when I would talk to Amish in person, even my body odor would smell as I expelled all the poisons I absorbed from the air while talking to a person.
PEOPLE DON'T REALIZE, every breathe of air makes YOU, YOU are the air YOU breathe ansd sick people make for really sick air and cities are really sick places or where there is any large group of people.
Only a clean body can expell these things and this is why herbalist and medical people all die premature, they absorb the sicknesses of others and don't have clean enough bodys to expell it and THINK TWICE before you see a medical aid, they are all carries of all their patients sicknesses either by the air they exhale or the frequencies they send out.
The illness shows in frequencies so the touch of an ill person and also when a healthy person touches the ill, they seek to balance each other for the good. Many dieing people will reach out and grab the arm of a little one and the young childs frequencies of health will enter the sick person, etc. We are electrical beings and if it was not for the accumulated food trapped in the body, our frequencies of Longevity would ring true.
You should be able to see health in the person's face, etc.
The moral of the story is; information can be a blessing or coals added upon the soul.