I know the pain that you speak of. I had it too and it is extreme, I can relate. My problem was B12 deficiency, which was caused by tapeworms. They had attached to my neck and back and they compete with you for the B12 in your body. They can have you curled up in a fetal position if you don't address it. My doctor gave me a blood test and told me that my B12 was in the desired range and that I probably had carpal tunnel. And she never mentioned it again, so I knew I was on my own as far as finding a solution to my problem.
I did a lot of research online and kept running into information about low levels of B12. A book was recommended called "Could it be B12". I purchased the book (My library also had it but there was a long waiting list) To make a long story short I started using B12 patches. I started out using about (3) 5000 mg patches daily. The pain was gone in 3 days. I now use(1)5000mg patch a week and I no longer suffer with the pain. I checked my book after I read your posting and it did say that pregnancy and breast feeding can reduce your B12 levels.
Read the book and see if any of it applies to you and then take matters into your own hands. I got my patches online. Just google B12 patches and you will get all kinds of sites that sell them. If you should try them make sure you get the Methylcobalamin B12.