Re: An experiment about the success rate of "dowsing"
Dowsing/Muscle testing is really just a way to check what you actually believe and affirm it. Your own personal belief meter that shows you obviously/overtly/physically what you might only think about subtly/shallowly or the back of your mind.
This is not my understanding of the subject, i think dowsing/muscle testing may be coherent when i see it as a way to communicate either with the automatic part of the body (you know all these cells that work to reconstruct your body) or a way to communicate with the spirit/soul that animates a body.
The existence of a spirit/soul that possibly animates the human body has not been disproven yet, so maybe.
How "reliable" or "where" that belief comes from is not scientifically provable or unprovable
Not true. You either have good success rates in your answers or you don't, this can be tested, and from what i have seen the results were not good for dowsing/muscle testing.
However the conditions of the experiments were not the same as when a dowser/muscle tester normally works so i am still open minded about this.
This man seems to have interesting techniques about it :
But i can't see if it is a voluntary movement that makes move the wire or the wire that makes move the hand or an involuntary movement that makes move the wire.
I think that if dowsing/muscle testing works, it should be an involuntary movement (an automatic movement produced by the cells or by the spirit/soul)