So I have been on the roller coaster for some time. Am seeing a doctor that seemed to really piece things together for me and make sense of things. He had me working on my Iron levels as I had low ferritin Iron and that was a cause of low dopamine, low brain energy and basically that the adrenals and thyroid will not work if you do not have optimal ferritin levels. So I am approaching optimal ferritin levels and for the last two weeks or so felt great. But last night I was holding some items that were purchased from a Goodwill and realized the smell of the detergent was overwhelming and within 10 minutes of smelling it felt totally out of it in my brain, got anxiety later and didn't sleep well. Woke up today and felt like my brain and sinuses have been on fire and have been severely depressed all day. So I had an aha moment of chemical sensitivities. Because now I can remember many other times where a sensitivity to something I smelled has sent off these same types of reactions. So I am once again confused and losing hope. Everything I have read about chemical sensitivities is horrible and not encouraging as there is no cure. Does anyone else have these types of sensitivities that set them with adrenal fatigue? Thanks!!!!!