My loving and sweet car Miss Tammer has been in a major car accident, I assume. She cannot walk or move the bottom half of her body but slightly. She appears to have broken her leg, hip bone, possibly more. She may have internal injuries? The vet is 3 hours away and to even try to pick her up causes incredible pain so I fear the trip may kill her.
Has anyone heard of a cat who could recover with multiple broken bones? My vet in the past has told me they can not treat her anymore due to she appears to be foreigner and the vets are subsidized by the British for local cats only. So not even sure if they would look at her because of this warning.
So my options are limited. I fear if I take her they will want to put her to sleep and I just cannot do that. I am giving her CS and not sure what else to do but let her rest. She appears to be in little pain as long as she does not try to move but she will not let me touch her to see if anything is out of place.