Hi Sara..
The only suggestion I have for you is to do energy work on her. Remember the post on Quantum Touch I made when Baby was so sick? If you can sit with her and run energy to her as often and as long as she will tolerate it, it will help her.
Remember to breathe the energy up from the ground thru your feet (visualize the energy coming up thru your feet on inside and outside) up your body and to your heart chakra (middle of breast). Use as deep a breath as you feel comfortable with). Fill your heart chakra until you feel a "buzzing" or vibrating sensation. Focus on your love for your cat too. Then (still breathing deeply - 8 count in and 8 count out if possible) send that energy down your shoulders and out thru your hands to Miss Tamer.
Before you start though, center yourself and request (thru prayer) help and assistance from your guides, angels and/or God to make you a clear and open channel for devine energy to send to your cat. Master Choa Kok Sui, Founder and Originator of the Pranic Healing®, offers up a prayer to ascended masters, angles, and all the holy ones before he does his healing or meditations. So call on as much devine help as you would like.. I include "anyone of the light who wishes to participate" when I do energy work.
This link will explain the Heart Centered Healing Method.
Additionally, once you start sending energy, if you are drawn to move your hands to another location on her body, do so. If you feel the urge to visualize a color (like green for healing), then visualize the energy that you are sending that color. Also, if you visualize the energy spinning out your hands like a vortex, that will enhance the power.
As you are sending the energy to Miss Tammer, your hands may feel warm, hot, cold, or tingly. That is the indication that the energy is being sent. You may also break out into a sweat if you are channeling a lot of energy.
I will try to send Miss. Tammer energy thru out the day in short bursts (I'm not able to focus or concentrate for very long at the moment) thru the week.