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Re: gallbladder & ibs
BlueRose Views: 2,003
Published: 13 y
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Re: gallbladder & ibs

You're welcome. Do you mean what were my symptoms regarding my gallbladder? If so, I suspected that something was wrong months before I got a correct diagnosis. I had a pain under under my rib cage on the right. Also, I was having digestive problems. I took antacids which offered temporary relief. Finally, I went to the doctor who misdiagnosed me. He even joked and said "Are you sure you didn't go out last night and have one too many?" Then he sent me for an xray and told me that I was constipated and to take a laxative. I did what he said even though I knew that I wasn't constipated. Yet, doing as he said seemed to solve the problem.

Months later, I was in intense pain in the same area and couldn't keep food down. This time I told the doctor that I wasn't constipated. Long story short---he said it was my gallbladder (as I had begun to suspect). So...a date for surgery was set up and I was told to follow a strict low fat diet until the surgery, which I did. However, I got such a bad gallbladder attack, that I had to have emergency surgery.

I wasn't happy about having to have surgery. However, as I said, I don't miss my gallbladder---or the pain of having a stone trapped in the common bile duct. So, I do understand your reluctance to have surgery.

Just remember if you do have surgery, there is help for the IBS-D. If your doctor doesn't mention cholestyramine (prevalite), ask him/her about it.

Best wishes to you!


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