I have seen that study on iron. Interesting that milk has 0% RDA Iron and a baby lives on milk for months and months without any significant amount of iron. Maybe there is almsot no iron in the milk to keep pathogens access to iron down to the minimum /bettter environment for beneficial bacteria to grow. The study reminds me to take Lactoferrin for whatever Lactoferrin might be worth.
I know Candida colonization causes inflammation, but when I take certain probiotics epecially of the baccilus origin it seems to compound the inflammation much more. Probiotics that don't contain baccilus just seem to cause minor head fog with no long term benefit. Timing is important when taking probiotics, otherwise they seem to be of little benefit.
Thats crazy of iron increasing pathogen growth rate that much. Sounds worst than sugar and makes you think twice about high iron foods or supps containing iron. Maybe thats "one" of the reasons why red meat causes more inflammtion than white meat/fish is its higher iron content---provided that a pathogenic infection is present in the intestines.