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Regarding Raintree Nutrition being shut down...
theADONIS Views: 3,485
Published: 13 y

Regarding Raintree Nutrition being shut down...

I know MH already covered this, but a few more points that are important for anyone who also offers herbal products to the public.

Having already been up to speed on Leslies FDA troubles, this email comes as no surprise.

However, she had it coming.

Leslie is a fighter, and she thought that she could take on the FDA and win.

She was wrong.

Using a laundry list of disease names on the same pages you are selling your product and telling people it will treat those diseases, will get you in trouble.

If the products worked or not is irrelevant.

The law states you cannot use disease names on the same website that you are selling a product, let alone on the exact same page.

Leslie knew that, and gambled for over a decade that she could get out of trouble if she was nailed.

The person who bends will not break.

The person who refuses to bend, will be broken.

Its called adaptability.

Leslies work with the indigenous peoples was beneficial for them and elevated their income, their livelihood, and overall happiness.

Her books on Rainforest herbs and how to prepare them and how to use them are invaluable resources.

By 2050, we will not have a Amazonian rainforest. You will go to a museum and stare at a few trees and a bird and say, wow thats cool, and leave.

Over 90% over the Amazons plants have yet to be studied by researchers, although the Indians have thousands of years experience using these herbs and know their usefulness.

A great deal of good was done by Leslie before the FDA came along and she should be applauded, even if she does have a prickly personality.

SO, to anyone reading this who owns a website or sells herbal products to the public and you have disease names on your site, you WILL be contacted by the FDA and statistically speaking you WILL lose.

If you are SMART however, you will be able to operate your business and be left alone. Or, you can choose to have an example made of you.

As MH has pointed out, multiple streams of income should be pursued by all intelligent people, because how you make your living currently could be impacted on a moments notice and if you have all your eggs in one basket, you will be in trouble.


A Member of the 1% Who Cares

The Adonis



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