Re: Three GOOD links about improvements of ur Precious Health!! - slightly o/t
So I need to educate myself, yet your the one who thinks that all of your health problems are due to your diet? And you never start that diet. I seriously doubt that ALL the problems you have that you have explained on here are connected to your diet. Many of them have absolutely NO connection. You just constantly try to rationalize your health issues so that you won't have to actually treat them.
And your lack of exercise sounds more like laziness. Maybe your constantly fatigued BECAUSE you never exercise.
And let's be clear, I know exactly what I'm saying and am probably much more educated than you. Just because i dont believe in dumb ass holistic and homeopathic shit, doesnt mean im uneducated. None of that crap is scientifically proven, so believing in that garbage is uneducated. I mean, your the one who wants to give yourself a
coffee enema haha. Only someone like you doesn't realize how insane that is.
This forum is to say what you feel, and that's what I do. Its not to say what you think everyone wants to hear. If you want to cry about it then that's your choice. But clearly you don't have much of a life outside this forum since your treated, yet haven't even taken some time off to live a normal life.
Now I can understand why you take offense to the last post, but in the past many have reacted to comments that shouldn't be taken negatively at all.
But you won't need to cry about my posts any longer. This forum isn't going anywhere anyways, its just turned into a naturalistic/homeopathic forum, AKA an idiotic forum. And im sick of hearing people cry about what someone says on an online forum. so I'm finally outta here. Peace.