To whomever asked about dosage of BHT to use: People have been having very good results with 200mg to 350mg taken once or twice a day with a gulp of water on an empty stomach. Some are using only one dose per day. 700mg of BHT per day is the MAXIMUM dosage to use. If adverse effects are experienced LOWER the dosage used. Also keep it simple for best results. Some moderate use of vitamins seems to be helpful. But do NOT take milk thistle because it screws up the treatment. Keep it simple for best results. Mixing the BHT treatment with other alternative treatments does NOT work well.
There are many people reporting very good results with the BHT treatment for hepatitis C. Those who keep it simple do the best. Do NOT take St.John`s wort or hypericin as someone suggested. That stuff is poisonous in my opinion. Cattle that feed on St. John`s wort develope serious skin and other disorders. These cattle die if they keep eating St.John`s wort. If you wish to read a list of reports by people who have used the BHT treatment go to the BHT CURES group here:
That should help any interested people a lot. ...Oscar