Re: I'm allergic to walnuts
i use to be "allergic" to brewers yeast
but after cleansing
parasites i have no problems with it any more
it used to give me a really bad asthma attack
i wonder if your "allergy" to walnuts could be an indication that your brand of
parasites are getting stirred up over the walnuts
do you know if you are reacting to the walnuts themselves, or something that grows on walnuts?
have you tried just a tiny little bitty bit of green
Black-Walnut hull tincture???
there are no
Black-Walnut s in the dewormer
it is the the hull of green
Black-Walnut s, before they are mature
if it were me, I'd buy a bottle of Green Black Walnut Hull tincture
i'd put one drop in a glass of distilled water
I'd sip it to see if anything happens
if nothing happens, I'd keep sipping until it is gone
if nothing happens, I'd put two drops in a glass of water and do the same thing
then three, then four, etc, until I knew whether or not i could tolerate it, and at what level
once i had the black walnut figured out, what dose i could tolerate
i'd buy a bottle of cloves and another bottle of
and use the three of them together