Re: Recommendation for a good NB practitioner
BF- I'm so glad that you liked my recipe! It does taste really yummy with the fresh basil. And it's sooo good for the gut :)
I'm sure that there is some mercury floating around my body, mostly because I lived in the city for the majority of my life. Other than that, I've never been a big seafood eater. I would eat wild alaskan salmon (for the omegas) maybe once or twice a month, never any shellfish. Don't like fish sushi either. As far as I know, I haven't been exposed to any broken bulbs, and we always had digital thermometers in my home. As far as vaccines, I haven't been vaccinated since they forced me to in kindergarten. My mother was always very much against them, as well as synthetic prescription drugs so I just always stuck to that plan.
But like I said, I'm sure there's some mercury in me due to the city environment.
I used to take ALA regularly along with DMAE for my skin ( I had a problem with
Acne for a while) as recommended by my dermatologist. It never bothered me, but that was before I destroyed my adrenals with too much caffeine and too much career. Now I'm hesitant to try and tackle mercury because I'm finally starting to feel better.
I consider NB to be a lifelong endeavor. Even if I'm not working with a practitioner, I will continue to keep up with my tests regularly and make adjustments as I need to.
Thank you for the info though. I will keep it in mind for the day I decide to tackle mercury