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Re: This forum is in trouble!
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Re: This forum is in trouble!

This is my first post on CureZone as I joined This is my first post on CureZone as I joined this morning. However, I have read many, many posts before joining and am quite familiar with glaxony and most of the frequent posters.I have studied these posts and followed the links provided, and have put much of this info to use. I have also read several books about parasites and I've read much of the info provided on other web sites as well.

I don't even know how to express my thanks for this site and the people that use their own time in order to pass along their valuable knowledge in order to help those suffering with this huge health problem,for free!!! Sadly, often their efforts are rewarded with nothing short of verbal abuse by people who have lost sight of the fact that this info is provided for FREE, it is up to the individual whether or not to take their advice,or to move on to something else. Thanks should still be offered even if the advice given doesn't meet your particular needs or doesn't help in your particular case.

This site is without a doubt the best place to visit on the internet in order to get real help for so many health issues. The people that respond to questions obviously try their best to help others get through this ordeal and regain their health. You are truly selfless,thank you.

That being said, my husband and I both discovered that we had parasites. We both were experiencing many of the symptoms that others were reporting on this forum.

I had reached the point that I could not even clean my own house and my husband was following closely behind me. (He is a few years younger than me) I believe that we both had major infestations and I know that we both had several different varieties living inside of us.

We followed the cleansing methods detailed on this web site. Used the green Black-Walnut tincture, Wormwood and ground cloves as described by Dr. Hulda Clark .

The ugly creatures both of us saw in the toilet during this treatment shocked us to say the least. I cried off and on for days at the thought of the horrible creatures that came out of both of us. It was a living nightmare to discover that parasites had been living inside of us and causing us to become weaker and weaker over the years,we had many more symptoms that I won't mention at this time in order to keep this post from being to long.

We are still taking the Dr. Hulda Clark herbal medicines once a week, but we have not seen any more parasites for quite some time.

Both of us had horrible die off symptoms but we do not experience that anymore when we take our treatment. Instead, we have both regained much of our energy! We feel so much better, it is amazing! I now take interest in keeping our home looking nice again, we enjoy doing things that we used to do. My mental outlook has improved tremendously! I was so depressed before that I was almost at the suicidal stage. Also,we both get a good nights sleep now which was unheard of before. I could go on, but hopefully, you get the point.

The cleansing did both of us a world of good. I hope that my post will be encouraging to others going through this.

Finally, I would like to thank Glaxony and the many other posters that contribute to this forum for helping my husband and myself onto the road to good health. I do realize that this will be an on going battle because if we had these monsters once, it is likely that we will have to fight them again.



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