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it works both ways
John McCain 2008 Views: 1,030
Published: 13 y
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it works both ways

You think Repubs are the only ones who pay slave wages? lol...come on, man. Use your noggin. Everybody who can uses the lowest wage worker possible. I have a maid, a mower guy, and low end employees...all what you mention. You think Democrats across my street don't do the same? I'm not here to provide the highest wage possible...I'm here in business to provide the most production for the lowest wage I can get away with and during the Bush years I was paying more per person. I love the Obama economy. I have made a mint off it, and so has my wife. She's having the best year of her life. We just refinanced into a 2.25% fixed 15 yr. You won't find anybody with that rate, nobody you know. I'm smiling ear to ear while America sinks further into the abyss. You can go on hat'in us Repubs but nothing will ever change. Nothing. At least with Romney I was trying to subside the debt and turn the economy around for you low end wage earners out there. But, as stupid does, you all voted to keep your low end wage right smack where it is. So be it...ha...


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