John McCain 2008
You know, maybe this is the way to keep stupids in line...give them a minority president and then they think they are getting over on white America. I'm a thinker and at least this theory has merit. I can follow the train of thought. All the while, life is the same, income the same, nothing ever changes but the minority population that gets angry and has nothing to lose...smiles. Hmmmm...genius. All I hear over and over is how minority populations are taking over America in voting blocks and that whites cannot do anything about it. Birth rates for blacks and Hispanics is 3X that of whites so there's no chance of catching up unless whites start screwing like rabbits and have 5 kids starting with this generation. Really when you think about it, what is wrong with Democrats in highest office with Repubs holding things up in Congress? We're still stalemated. And blacks and hispanics aren't taking to the streets in fury because their guy is President. But, as stupids do, they still make little money, little futures, little real influence on corporate dividends. Blacks still have babies out of wedlock, get on food stamps. Hispanics still come over the border in droves, still work for sh*t wage and pay with cash. Nothing changes, friends, but at least it is calm in South L.A and Compton.