Gosh, I wonder if I'm anywhere c´lose to that. xD I've been reading here and about type 1 diabetes for at least eight years now. Yeah, le toxic death business has been the smell for me through the past two coffee colonics. How many weeks was it for you for a cleaner smell? I had to air out and use a perfume quick to make the bathroom habitable. Thank God my brewer's yeast arrived!
Browse your cat litters before you buy expensive healthfood-store clays. You might just get lucky. Try wholefoods market. I use one that's completely non-chemical, 80% dolomite, 80% smectite, and oils to stop nasty scents. I crush it as fine as possible in my mortar and pestle, and then soak a tablespoon of it in water overnight to make a mudshake. You don't have to swallow the grit.