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Re: Need some advice, Chris B? I broke a 24 day fast having trouble...

9 Day Juice Fast Kit
Juice fast without hunger.

chirontherainbowbridge Views: 923
Published: 13 y
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Re: Need some advice, Chris B? I broke a 24 day fast having trouble...

hi, chris will have given you good advice--I haven't read replies yet.

you say: the last to go was niccotine during a 14 day fast in march of this year

sounds to me like some layers of what nicotine keeps pushed down have come up. And these are quite intense times when many who are open or sensitive will tune into a well of pain not so much personal, as collective.It's an opportunity to 'let it go'.

In your shoes I might go to juices, green-based veg. juices, with fruit as desired to sweeten, and maybe some broths for a few days and see how you feel.

Also, think about using EFT, for getting through the layers of emotion that might be coming up. The best is always to accept and bless, and don't waste energy with resistance or contraction--(as in, being down about being down, y'know?)our by "sucking it up" as the compassionless expression goes.

Skin brushing daily might help you to keep lymph moving,
and soothe the spirit with some gentle self care, which will help to keep the emotions from getting stuck.

I broke my first longer fast of 29 days with watermelon, and didn't feel good with it... the next one (21 days) I broke with a v8- with lime juice and it felt wonderful. The moral here is it's very important to not let a plan -like the watermelon- hold YOU hostage. Sometimes it's just not the thing, despite all the best theory--tune into what your unique intuition is telling you.

then so be it

keep the faith!


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