Re: Fasting to heal digestive system yet im quite underweight and I dont want to get too skinny. Just need some input. (Details Inside) PS. Its a rather long message since I am new here and I have a big background.
Good advice from T2 in my view.
So poor absorption and digestion of foodstuffs.
It sounds to me that you are very enervated because of your comment: "after a few practices of light fasting I begin to reach mental clarity after my belly is empty. Then when I put food into it, I get all fatigued, anxious and I do not feel pleasant at all".
There is an old Roman proverb that applies here which states "a full stomach does not like to think".....a full stomach is the most demanding in energy-expenditure.
A healthy individual will normally have sufficient energy to cope with the demands of day to day living, leaving enough of that energy for the body to demand food to replace the calories consumed via a healthy appetite. So when you abstain from food, this releases that available energy that you would normally use for digestion (the most demanding) for other tasks such as a clarity of mind. For those who are enervated or lacking in energy, eating will divert what little available energy you have to digestion as a main task, and if this energy is depleted it will leave you tired and exhausted. The capacity or ability to digest food depends entirely on your nerve or Brain energy, so if this is depleted the intake of food will drain what little reserves of brain energy you have even more, and adversely affect your mental state.
The answer in my view and experience is to recuperate that lost nerve and bodily energy, which in turn will resolve your digestion and therefore the absorption of nutrients.
Eat only a plant-based diet that is properly combined, and only when you are genuinely hungry, avoiding concentrated foods such as meat and cheese; these latter two are extremely demanding on digestive energy, whereas plant-foods are not, and esp' so when combined properly.............
You will also need an abundance of rest and sleep, with occasional light exercise. Some sun-exposure would be hugely beneficial as well, with freedom from stress.
This is a complete package of physiological measures called Natural Hygiene, which includes intermittent-fasting, and in time will rebuild your bodily and mental health to a level that you probably didn't even know existed. The choice is yours, and I hope it is the right one for your sake.