Ive been quite ill for the past while now, my body has troubles breaking down the nutrience and fat's in order for absorption. The evidence I am going by is some undigested food in stools and constipation.
This has effected me greatly both physically and mentally. 3 years ago I wound up in a psychiatrists office complaining about panic attacks and cognetive impairment (Brain Fog). I was stuck on this addictive anti psychotic for a year up to 2 July's ago until I was able to go off with the help of a support forum and a high quality miicronotrient Multivitamin called empower plus.
While on this suppliment, I suffered through the hellish withdrawals of medication withdrawals, but I never truely felt *mentally cured* on the other end. (I still believe I have meds in me since they are fat soluble).
Im just gonna jump forth all the way to last june (my wake up).
I was browsing through the book store looking for a good book on healing from ailments. I came across this one amazing book on toxicity and healing the digestive system through fasting and raw diets. (The better the digestion, the better the mind). This book is called "Clean by Doctor Junger".
I then realised in order to heal I must take it easy with what I put into my body. I never took action at the time because I was living at my Fathers and his Girlfriends, so I was stuck eating heavy duty meats for dinner everynight. And they were very Constricted towards my desire to go organic and healthy. They are fixed in the mind set you need meat every day to survive *Roll's eyes*.
So a month ago, I managed to move out because I am disability for mental illness so I get income.
This gives me the time to fix my body, I am now noticing after a few practices of light fasting I begin to reach mental clairity after my belly is empty. Then when I put food into it, I get all fatigued, anxious and I do not feel pleasant at all.
I went away this weekend with my Mother and Brother to brampton to visit some familly. I find alot of people dont really understand this whole new thing ive been learning so I feel obligated to eat so I dont get preached at.
So this weekend I basically pigged out on sweets, meats just all this unhealthy junk. Everytime I would eat I would get paralized with fatigue and anxiety shortly after to the EXTREME. For a while there it felt like I was dying from anxiety.
I was really constipated and a knew I had to empty my belly so I picked up some senna tea (A natural laxative) then drank that, and crapped out all the stuff. So today I get home, and get right back on track. About an hour ago the fog finally lifted after several days. (I was eating kind of poorly before I left.)
My belly is empty as well, so im functioning greatly.
So thats my background and my recent situation in life. I have troubles gaining weight, I keep getting commenting on by my parrents that I am too skinny whenever I see them. Im trying to gain weight but I know in order to do that, I need to heal my digestion to allow absorption to take place.
My hight is 5'9 I weight about 119 :S Ive been there for the past month so its not dropping much. and I dont necessarily know what type of fasting is for me. I am planning only 2 days at a time, maybe 3 throughout the month.
Does anyone here have any sugestions. (Appogies for the long msg.