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Re: How can I aquire Hydrocortisone? Prescription?
anatomydoll Views: 2,501
Published: 13 y
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Re: How can I aquire Hydrocortisone? Prescription?

Sanshiro, i would not recommend swallowing cream. It's cream for a reason, to use on the skin. You can use it on your wrists however, where alot of blood vessels are.

Hydrocortisone should be used as a last resort. I know there are bio identical docs out there that throw small doses at you. First you need to find out if you are very low cortisol, that's the only way in what i've learned that using

hydrocortisone could work. Then the other thing to take to consideration is that if your body is under stress, not doing well, then it's in DEMANDING MODE of more cortisol. So taking a LITTLE bit of cortisol will shut down alot of the ACTH coming from the pituitary gland because even a little bit added of cortisol introduced into the body will feel like a lot.

I strongly recommend to go to the NTH yahoo adrenals group. They can help you there a lot with cortisol.


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