Re: Justice with Judge Jeanine Opening Statement 10/27/12 Wash. Post article
Welcome to the Age of Hell: Entrenching Murder as the American Way
'The Washington Post has just laid out, in horrifying, soul-slaughtering
detail, the Obama Administration's ongoing effort to expand, entrench and
"codify" the practice of murder and terrorism by the United States
...expanding and varying the menu of arbitrary murder, mixing the
blunderbuss of drone blasts and night raids with more selective
"bullet-in-the-brain," "bomb-in-the-car-engine,"
"polonium-in-the-pea-soup," and "doping-and-defenestration" approaches.
Arbitrary murder by unaccountable elites...
...The sickening nature of this perpetual-motion death-machine -- and the husk-like inhumanity of those who operate it and the sycophants who applaud it -- are all too plain. Just read the whole thing, and see for yourself. See how these butchers -- our bipartisan elites, our whole respectable, self-righteous establishment -- have trapped us all in an Age of Hell.'
1st Comment:
It really is amazing to witness the wholesale public repudiation of
basically the entire Western political and legal tradition and the
embracing of pre Magna Carta dark age values in less than a single
generation. Its terrifying to see basically every such value and
principle- built up over a thousand years- utterly destroyed and actually labeled "left wing"...