Before seeking to medicate your insomnia I would suggest seeing a sleep
doctor. One who has access to a sleep clinic where they can monitor many
different aspects of your sleep. They hooked me up to 23 monitor wires
when I did my first night in the clinic. During your sleep they watch how
long it takes you to get to sleep, snoring, and several other factors.
They also have a sleep mask on you and from a room with a one way mirror they
can adjust the air flow on the mask. My first experience was the best
night's sleep I had had in many years - wires and all.
If they determine you have sleep apnea the will call you back for a second
night to make adjustments to your mask and to find the best mask for you.
I has been a life changing experience for me and for the past two years I've
been sleeping well. Each overnight visit was in the $2,500 range but my
insurance paid for all but about $50 of it.
I also take melatonin from time to time - an over the counter sleep aid taken
before bedtime. The body makes melatonin but it makes less of it as we get