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Re: Candida advice anyone please!
carsex Views: 1,845
Published: 13 y
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Re: Candida advice anyone please!

Hi buddy. I have over 20 years dealing with what I thought was candida in my body. And I very well might have since I would always give my girlfriend massive yeast infections.

I have an answer to solve all of your bodies issues. But before I spill it let me tell you how terrible I felt on the candida diet portion of high meat intake.

When you eat an excessive amount of meat you are going to feel like total crap. I was diagnosed with mild scoliosis because my back lost all movement almost. I was eating chicken and fish every day thinking I could starve the candida out. What a mess because once I stopped all that meat my back pain disappeared.

The real magic bullet is distilled water.

goggle "andrew webber distilled"

Here is how it works. Everything that is organic and supposed to be in your body has a negative charge. Distilled water also has a negative charge. All of the bad stuff in your body including candida has a positive charge. When the distilled water goes in you is has no choice but to suck up all the positive matter and take it out of your body.

Tap water or spring water has positive charged inorganic minerals. Your body cannot use in-organic minerals. So it stores them in your body since it cannot get rid of all this junk you put in. Only distilled water can cleanse your body.

Why do you think you use distilled water in machinery? Because spring water gunks it up. Well guess what? You are a machine also. You deserve to be clean also.

Read it up kid cause it's real.


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