Re: Use the Force
"Have an open mind and believe in possibilities."
-so right, Lolite. Luckily my curiousity has led me to several therapies, both "physical" and energy /healing-therapies. I have had both great and not so great experiences with it.
- Our mind is such a powerful tool, a neglected, forgotten tool; as it is ridiculed a lot not many come forward with it.
I was very into spiritual development before my hypo T; then I had stop in my progress.
Now it is coming back to me; I believe
Iodine has contributed to open certain "gateways" like the pineal gland.
- The endocrine glands are connected to the chakras, which are connected to color, to music... etc etc; and there are our atomic vibrational dance.
"THROAT CHAKRA, the fifth chakra, is at the base of the throat. The endocrine gland related to it is the thyroid gland. It governs the lungs, bronchial and vocal apparatus and the alimentary canal. It is involved with areas of communication, both sending and receiving. Sometimes this chakra holds anger from not expressing one’s truth. How and what we communicate is an important part of our individuality and purpose."