Re: Recent warning from the second coming messages,global vaccination.lethal
I read this in the warning messages.
What do we know?
It gets more confusing, how many levels of purgatory are there?
I am going with the messages and also medjugories messages
I am just sharing..we all were born with free will to believe this or as we wish.
I , myself do not trust the John Leary messages, I think they are not coming from God.
But I do know this, too much is going on that cannot be explained... we either believe the scientist on global warming or acknowledge what is said in these messages from Maria from God... it makes more sense to me these messages.
Scientist/Evolutionist vs God ongoing
What else must happen for us to believe...he has given us free will until the very end.
I see what is unfolding is bad already.
I am preparing, I am taking these messages very seriously.