You see I was struck with illness which in turn lead me to learn about all these horrific things going on in the world today..I am sorry to sound so negative but it is the truth.
Morgellons on the rise
Lyme disease on the rise
Malaria on the rise
global warming
scientist warned us of more bugs, more vectors more disease
The worst part of all is gov. control
People cannot even get healing herbs..they are being banned left and right. If you frequent the health food stores..they have ongoing petitions fighting to keep these herbs.
No one is allowed to speak anymore..those that can heal or are in the know.
Why do you think they are having global childrens rosary day for this next election?
ARe the prohesis beginning to unfold right before our eyes?
Is is true that we will soon not be able to attend mass, how soon, of course we cannot predict any of this for no one really knows the exact date or all the answers.
I see and have talked to sick people from all over the world.
Is it getting any better, I fear it will get worse.
The water is not safe nor foods.
Something has to give, something has to change, we need a cleansing.
It is frightening..I must stay strong, the messages for me have given me strength, hope and more stronger.
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