Re: My hair mineral analysis test
"I feel compelled to put my $.02 in here. I know that when you first posted, you probably felt like you were really excited, Allayna, to tell everybody about this miracle you felt you had experienced. And for that, I'm really excited for you, and I hope that you really ARE over the Lyme. However, I hope you remember that first, there are co-infections that can be there with Lyme and remain undiagnosed for years, and that no two people are alike. Also, when you have such a complicated disease process as Lyme, posting something like what you did can be very dangerous to the average person. Some people will read your post, go out and get Cat's Claw and expect to be cured in 3 months. Then when they aren't, they're going to lose all hope in getting better. So, I would caution you to choose your words carefully when you post.
Now, let me tell you my story. I've had Lyme for up to 30 years, we don't know for sure, but it's pretty likely, based on my medical history. You can read my most recent post about welcoming newbies and an update on me for a bit more, but basically, when I started a protocol (that I had to design myself, because I couldn't get a doctor to listen to me or agree with me, and my doctors failed me totally!) of Samento and Lauricidin, I Herxed like crazy. Then I slowly added in Cumanda for yeast and Pinella for nerve and brain function. I was feeling about 60-70% better after 36 weeks, but I knew I needed more. So I added in Banderol this past Saturday. Since then, I felt my progress went back to 10% of where I started from the very beginning. I've begun feeling all my old symptoms minus only a few. Banderol treats co-infections as well as Lyme. I've had to cut the Samento in half, and in a day, I already feel a bit better. I expect to remove the Samento from my protocol and eventually add in Quina, which treats similar to Banderol, Lyme and co-infections.
Yes, I've been very sick for a long time, and I have a list of illnesses a mile long, so my situation is different, but too many of us have had little to no success with Samento or Cat's Claw alone. I truly hope that you have had full success with Cat's Claw, but I fear you are fooling yourself based on flawed blood tests that prove absolutely nothing. My tests have all come back negative. You have to be on
Antibiotics a lot of times before they even will come back positive! How more flawed can you get?
If there was ever proof of someone not being able to go into remission from Lyme because of co-infections, I'm IT! So, please, keep an open mind about what may be going on in your body, and watch for the slightest symptom of a relapse. I think you'll thank all of us for our concern at a later date. Most patients need to be symptom free for many months before they can come off their medications, and even then symptoms free for months longer before they can be declared in remission.
I think your doctor may have spoken too soon. But I hope not for your sake. Either way, I do hope you keep an open mind and listen to what's been said, and don't take any of it as a "bashing" session toward you, but as concern from people who've been there.
Hablas español, anatomydoll? :D jaja.