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What else can it be ?
dwc928s4 Views: 1,532
Published: 13 y

What else can it be ?

It has to be parasites !
It has been 5 years now that i havebeen sick. But a year ago a developed symptoms that have to from parasites all along.
Along with my entire body muscle twitching, muscle pinching, and loose stools, But for a year now, and my question is does anyone else have these particular symptoms, I developed a soar throat, a sinus headache for an entire year, and pain in my tonsils area, back of neck, and upper back. The pain is not like an ache it is more like the feeling of a sour stomach. Toxic feeling. Also and the weirdest symptom, is my phlegm. Sorry to be graphic, but if it pulled from my nose down into my mouth, it is very sticky and has a very strong sour bitter taste. Also if i couph any up, its the same way. But noone can explain why it tastes so bad.
I feel its got to be parasites, ENT did a CAT Scan on both throat and sinus, as well as culture and nothing was found. Endoscopy amongst a whole bunch of other tests were done by cleveland clinic, nothing found, no hiatel hernia to create the very srong bitter/sour taste of phlegm, and sinus drainage. Metametrix lab, said i had no parasites. And i have done 3 courses of Extra strength Humaworm a little over a year ago., at which time, i felt no die-off, and no better when done.
Shortly after that i developed these strange symptoms. WHAT THE HELL ELSE COULD IT BE ? ITS GOT TO BE parasites !.


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