Re: Could oil pulling prevent a heart attack?
If I had it to do over again I wouldn't have any root canals.
But just for the sake of an opposing viewpoint, there's this:
"Q. Are
root canal fillings safe?
A. It is my opinion that the majority of
root canal treatments done today, with vision enhanced by microscope are clinically successful. Some experts believe that all
root canal teeth are toxic and should be removed for optimal health. The dead tooth is like leaving a cadaver inside the body. I have held removed teeth in my surgical glove treated with seemingly successfully root canal treatments that smelled bad and were stained with bacterial activity. Such teeth create much immune distress. With anguish I have removed other root canal teeth that were pristine, pure and strategic for comfort and function. We have reversed cancer in one person who kept his ten root canals. There are new diagnostic tests that hold promise of helping differentiate between adequate and harmful root canal teeth. I have also been credited with ‘curing’ shoulder or knee bursitis three times by removing infected teeth and once by performing a root canal treatment on an infected tooth."
I've also heard that if we keep our jawbones strong, getting enough calcium and other minerals etc., the bones will very solidly fuse with the metal parts of
root canals and leave no space for anaerobic bacteria, avoiding the usual long-term complications. To this end I'm using the topical calcium products at, as well as religiously OPing with olive oil and COQ10 liquid. And btw, COQ10 in itself is specific for heart health. Thanks again for that tip on Vitol, Larry/Mr.C!