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Re: Any in depth studies on fasting? Views: 1,697
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Re: Any in depth studies on fasting?

Hi #157562.

Thanks for the feedback. Apologies for delay in reply as it's been a hectic last month and I'm still not getting much time to be online of late.

It's obvious that you've noticed over time that you cannot really trust the medical profession but then again, who else can you trust? There are so many "natural" alternatives and I'm fairly convinced that many have very little value and many are just less-mainstream versions of the conventional medicine paradigm. If you're being sold a herbal remedy, a homeopathic pill, colonics, etc, you can be fairly sure that the suppliers do not trust the body to heal itself.

Fasting is part of the "trusting your body to do the right thing" paradigm. Within that paradigm is the understanding that by providing the body what it needs to reach and maintain health as well as avoiding those activities which reduce health, the body will do what it naturally does and work towards optimum health. Chronic damage to joints may be beyond repair but what you're actually capable of achieving will only be found by trying.

It is at least possible that with proper guidance, you could set yourself free from the steroids, get on the right dietary lifestyle to prevent the issues you mentioned and hopefully reach an acceptable quality of life free from medication and suffering.

To that end, I'd recommend commencing a thorough study of Natural Hygiene and, if possible, consult with a professional Hygienic doctor who would be best positioned to guide you gradually to success.

As you've experienced fasting, you already know some of the benefits to be gained. It is likely that you would need a much longer or several reasonably long fasts to achieve the deep repair needed but you also need the expert guidance on weaning off the steroids.

It could be a long road needing great patience but you no doubt will be well rewarded for your efforts.




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