Re: Need to stop palpitations and mind racing
I think the ultimate healing will come from:
1) Heavy metal and other toxins removal and optimizing, balancing the body as a whole: this is done with NB, chelation and maybe
Iodine if halogens are an issue for you (they say they are an issue for everyone today)
2) Gut healing: this includes from decreasing gut permeability to backing off food allergens to getting yourself rid of parasites, candida etc This is a catch22 zone as I think that if you are still metal toxic the immune system, digestive and all in fact, will not be able to restore normal function even if the correct support its provided, so leaky gut, parasites, candida will stay ruling the area.
3) Methylation correcting via genetic testing (yasko, 23andme) and then inplementing the necessary supplements. If you are an overmethylator or other thing, taking methyldonors will f*** you up. It did for me, intense crazyness, I think it was the high dosage of TMG in the methyl-mix pills. Thats why I think testing genetics or current methylation status testing its important.
I think im forgetting something.
Anyway, sucks about the DMSA. That means more money and problems. Getting ALA its much easier via iherb and super cheap. But I can do it.