Then, just keep us updated with the AC chelation :D I will do ALA only in some months. How are you doing nowadays? Any progress with heavy metal and halogen detox? For halogens im taking high doses of kelp, for a tota of 5mgs of natural Iodine per day.
The genetic thing its more solid, deeper and better researched and established than you think. From the MTHFR mutation to the liver detoxification CYP1 or CYP2 mutations including the GST mutations affecting the production of glutathione.
I was vaccined and I used an antiperspirant. Now im severely ill, for my age, at least. Most of people just get averagely toxic with those items, they get a lower IQ and some conditions that with time will get chronic or will kill them (with decades). I developed lots of symptoms in months and they worsened rapidly in two years. The difference here its genetics.