Doctors do not cure they merely prescribe useless drugs made by the drug industry that reimburses him big money for selling their garbage. Realize doctors are arrogant clueless liars in search of the big bucks for destroying your health with useless and ineffective drugs and those same quacks could less about your health as their primary goal in their miserable pompous lives is their bank accounts. Rest assured your quack will get his just reward since the average life span of these greedy pigs according to JAMA is age 56 far below the national average. I certainly would not want one with that kind of life span telling me about my health and giving me any poisons he recommends, since he does get those free trips to Hawaii every year, all expenses paid. Paid for by the victims that pay the local pharmacist the ridiculous amount of money required for those poisons just so some fat cigar chomping CEO of a drug company can buy another mansion.