Re: Flu vax risks
How can you make accusations concerning numbers when you didn't even know the law is to report vaccine reactions on VAERS? I imagine your co-workers don't know about the reporting system either.
Here is a mothers report on her daughter's reactions from Gardasil.
"With her second Gardasil vaccination, Lauren also received Varicella 165U and Menactra U2559AA. Symptoms over this past year and a half have included: enlarged liver, gall bladder attacks, severe nausea, chest pain, severe abdominal pain, severe headaches, brain freezes, stomach ulcer, sensitivity to light. The horrible realization is that VAERS is not accurate. Prior to Gardasil, I did not know what VAERS was. When my daughter became ill, I found out about VAERS by research performed on the internet. My daughter’s doctors did not even know what it was and they did not file a report until I filed one myself and told them they were obligated by law to file a report. How can the #’s be accurate if doctors don’t file the reports? I even had to explain what VAERS is."
I'll repeat:
"My daughter’s doctors did not even know what it was and they did not file a report until I filed one myself.
The horrible realization is that VAERS is not accurate.
How can the #’s be accurate if doctors don’t file the reports?"