Re: loss of inteligence by candida
I liken my decline in cognitive abilities to several things. First STRESS - as my sudden decline came on during a period of intense prolonged stress (still dealing with it). Think there is some effect of acidity from the stress response: adrenal fatigue/hypoT. During this period insomnia got awful and is only slightly improved months later.
Secondly and included in the period of prolonged stress was constantly trying to learn about biological subjects which is so far beyond my abilities it seemed hopeless (ie: more stress). I could only repeat, "I'm overwhelmed" and still am to some degree.
A heavily restricted diet added additional stress on my system.
At the same time I elected to try to boost my immune system by getting off pain management. By cold turkeying it, I just put my body/mind through so much unnecessary stress thinking I was doing something good, when in fact I'm considering going back to the pain clinic for help again thinking the pain is worse on my system than the meds to control it. Let alone, they help increase physical/mental functionality by reducing stress/pain, though there is a distinct difo between functional and functionality.
Everyone is different. Perhaps I'm alone in considering stress as being a primary part of the loss of cognitive function in my case. Let's face it, dealing with the initial seeking of trying to learn about how all these various subjects are all interconnected is bewildering even if one is in a healthy state: navigating through all this while in a severely weakened condition only makes things that much worse. Not that I don't hold weight on candida toxins disrupting cognitive function.
In years past, there have been a couple of intense stress periods which seemed to have a similar effect. Things only have gotten worse as I have been sicker longer but, one tings I have to remember in all this is eventually, with LOTS of time things would start to improve and slowly I would feel like my "old self" again. Including wit, humor and laughing. I haven't laughed really in like months, if not closer to a year: the past 6 months with little if any laughter. Laughter is healing......
My point being, worrying about everything like there never will be any improvement is only working against us and, against regaining cognitive function. It's hard, VERY HARD when you are sick to keep perspective but, if you remember a past flu for instance, there were times when you just couldn't think straight due to the virus. Think we are best off to stop worrying ourselves and consider this a prolonged period of illness. Accepting the limited cognitive function and working around it as best as possible.