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Re: Interview with Benny Hinn's high school friend
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Re: Interview with Benny Hinn's high school friend

There are a few things in that interview that I do not feel are true. Saying there are no healings? I personally know people that were healed. However, I give glory to God and not Hinn.

The guy on the radio, makes it real hard to have faith in someone who does not seem like he even understood that stealing from another person was wrong.....instead of just commenting that it was a teenage mistake. Of course I could be wrong and he may have been very repentant of doing so, but I did not hear it in the deepness of my spirit in this interview. It sounded like he was still proud of that act and I wonder if he ever made it right with murdock? Perhaps he did and he mentions it on another interview. We don't know.

In a situation like this, where I can't judge Hinn's heart or anyone in that interview on how sincere they are. It would be best if we judge correctly using the word of God to see if what they "say" lines up with scripture and quote that instead of putting up our opinions. That way we are not playing satan's role of accuser. Also it's much better than calling anyone a fool. I think we all know what scripture says about that.

Let God's word judge truly and not in our own lack of truth and understanding.

God bless everyone today. :)



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