A Bacteria Beatdown?
I found the bacteria, Paenbacillus dendritiformis , has very similar growth patterns compared to these images taken from a salon pas pain patch that covered a lesion on my left shoulder blade. On removal, methylene blue was used, to reveal ~this~ bacteria beatdown:
“usually grow in compact clusters, because the bacteria are immobile.
However, if the colonies are grown for very long periods, they sometimes exhibit a new mode of branching growth.”
This could explain why there are two distinct growth patterns… One is more rounded and the other spiky... Unless the “spiky” is something else all together… Originally I thought they were releasing spores, but now it looks like they are doing battle?
Internet images of fractal bacteria growth:
It is a non-pathogenic bacteria and various Paenibacillus spp. also produce antimicrobial substances that affect a wide spectrum of micro-organisms such as fungi, soil bacteria, plant pathogenic bacteria and even important anaerobic pathogens as Clostridium botulinium.[
A great article explaining how bacteria is reduced by competition with sister colonies: