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Re: Dubious Fasting retreats.
chrisb1 Views: 1,300
Published: 13 y
This is a reply to # 1,987,965

Re: Dubious Fasting retreats.

well its a relief to know that your fasting retreat has both a Doctor and Naturopath available to monitor those who are fasting, in which case I would endorse it, but the website address you gave for its location at
did not seem to include that information, and hence my enquiries.
In addition, when I asked you on Facebook who runs your establishment and supervises the fasts, you replied that you did personally. I was therefore either misinformed, or you were just not being entirely truthful with that reply.

My queries were not of course designed to "mess up business for you" as you have stated Skai, but enquiries made out of ensuring that your establishment is as well run and as safe as possible for your guests, and that would include any potential guests that you are touting for both here and on Facebook.

I don't believe that I mentioned the cost of running your own retreat specifically, but mentioned this more in the way of a "justified cost" if there were no qualified health-personnel to hand of any retreat. However, I am aware that the costs of running a fasting retreat can be very high.

Your description of my enquiries as being "brutal" I think are a little OTT and unfair, as I would have PM'd you; but bear in mind that I would not have needed to make any enquiries at all if your advertising had been more open and thorough to begin with.

Do you have any testimonials from former guests?

Peace to you too Skai.




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