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Re: Dubious Fasting retreats.
skaijuice Views: 1,226
Published: 13 y
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Re: Dubious Fasting retreats.

Thanks Chris! I appreciate this...First of all, we do have a doctor and naturopath available to monitor the guests. I have this anyway for me raw food retreats. Second of all, when you do this you mess up business for me. Which is not cool. If you were really concerned, then you should have message me privately. I dont know...I would never mess up anyone's way to make a living here in this world. Many people do things that I may not agree with but I wouldnt do that. I know that you come from a place of safety however, which I already have covered. I would never risk the health and life of anyone who is in my retreats. Lastly, you mentioned the cost of my retreats. Im not sure why you would think that this is a huge amount of money. Most people cannot stay in a decent hotel for this amount, much less be attended to the way we do. We are located right on the beach facing the Caribbean Sea...I think its a deal! Not to mention my raw food retreats are an average of $249 per day...which includes activities and raw foods. So, my point is...while you have a right to express yourself...I guess the manner in which you have done quite brutal. Please refrain from doing this to me or anyone else. It doesnt promote a sense of community in this very small group of people who understand the high benefits of water fasting. Peace to you Chris! skai


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