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help with sever die off!
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help with sever die off!

Hi Forum,

I’ve been reading the forum for several months, am posting because I am struggling with my candida infestation, and I was hoping for some help. Basically, I’m desperate, in bad shape, and I don’t know if this is die- off, or if it’s another condition. I am in such bad shape (brain fog and anxiety) that I am having trouble even typing this out.

Some background. Things first went bad 12 years ago after a heavy course of Antibiotics (Cipro and then Bactrim) for what doctors thought was a prostate infection. With the Antibiotics , I got sicker and sicker, pain in lower left and right abdomen (Colon) as well as prostate area, stools yellow and extreme fatigue and anxiety. The next 6 years was a spiral of poor health. Went to many doctors, most put me on more Antibiotics , became lactose intolerant, constantly anxious, low body temp (about 96.5).

Finally (2006) found a doctor willing to treat for candida, and he put me on Diflucan plus probiotics and supplements. Got sicker of course, lost 30lbs, weakness, brain fog, anxiety. After about a year I started to feel a little better. I had modified my diet some back then but doctor said it was okay to resume eating carbs. (I know, Stupid!) But at the time I didn’t have a good understanding of this condition.

Needless to say, things got bad and last year I went back to Dr., had the antigen test; IgG =33, IgA =20, IgM =10, Immune complex =2.4. He put me back on Diflucan and things went south with die off (my biggest issue is brain fog and oppressive anxiety). Unfortunately I only found this website 2.5 months ago, and finally made some dietary changes and learned of the molybdenum and pantethine. I have been on the strict diet (zero carbs) for about 2 months, probiotics, and much of the other supplements on the protocol.

The past week has been horrible. I am so sick I can hardly get out of bed. My vision is so blurry I need glasses to even see the computer. I can’t sleep. White tongue. I couldn’t even go outside to walk the dogs today because the sunlight hurt my eyes so badly. The level of anxiety and brain fog I am feeling is so oppressive and unrelenting that I don’t know what to do. I stopped anti-fungals 2 days ago as well as probiotics, but conditions have not improved. Which leads to my questions:

Has anyone else experienced this level of die-off? Or could I be dealing with some other condition?

Also, is it okay that I have been on molybdenum for a while now, is this safe? I have been drinking a cup of nettle tea each day.

I’m also afraid (assuming this monster is in fact candida) that I will lose ground by stopping the antifungals. (Dr. wants to put me on Sporanox, btw. No way am I in any condition!)

Last question; die-off seems to be worse during and after a BM. Is this due more to yeast toxicity, or materials (undigested proteins) leaching into my bloodstream. Obviously I have leaky gut too.

I know this is a lot. And believe me, I hate that I even have to impose on you guys. But if anyone has any thoughts or insights, I’d be enormously appreciative. Maybe if I knew for sure that this was going to eventually end, I’d have a little more confidence, and maybe be able to sleep some night soon.

All that said, there are a few things that seem to be positive. For one, stools have become more formed and are no longer yellow. Not normal yet, but seeming to be getting closer. (sorry about the stool talk) Also, the inflammation in my lower gut seems to have lessened quite a bit. Still there a little, but no longer does it feel like ground glass is passing through my lower intestine. And lastly, the other bit of positive news is that I am not dead!

Thank you again for taking the time to read this. I appreciate all of the hard work and effort put forth by so many here. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Peace.


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